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Our Cheer Classes

Our cheerleading classes are for participants age 4 years and upwards.

Whether you would like a low commitment class just for fun or the opportunity to compete, we have a team for you. 


All our coaches are BGU, BCE or BG qualified and are here to help your child learn gymnastics and cheerleading skills from basic through to advanced.

If you are interested in joining us please:


  1. Download and read through our 24-25 Season Information pack.

  2. Complete our Contact Us Form.


Please read 24-25 Season Info Pack for *NEW CLASSES & PRICES*

Non-Competitive (Age 4yrs Upwards)


Our Cheer 4 Fun classes cater for all abilities and are fantastic for athletes to build their confidence and develop their skills in a fun and social environment. Learn cheerleading: Jumps, Dance Stunts and some Tumbles during this class.


Your monthly fee covers: x1 Cheer 4 Fun Class each week.

We offer 1 Free taster class when joining for the first time. 



Tumble Class (Optional Age 5yrs Upwards)


Cheer 4 Fun athletes can choose to attend our Saturday Tumble class. This is a structured class run by CRC Coaches along side the world class AGC Coaches. 


During this tumble class, athletes have access to all main gym equipment including: floor, trampoline and tracks which significantly helps tumble skill progression if your athlete is looking to develop their skills quicker. 


Tumble classes are optional for C4F members to attend and can be booked at an addition cost via our website under class booking in the members area.




Competitive Cheer

Please read 24-25 Season Info Pack for *NEW CLASSES & PRICES*

Our Competitive Teams (Age 5yrs Upwards)

Our Competitive athletes train at least 2 times per week, working towards competing at some of the largest All-Star Cheer competitions around England. 


Athletes attend tryouts at the start of each season and are selected for our competitive teams based on: age, ability, and commitment level. 

Every season each of our competitive teams learns a new routine that is unique to each team. Competitive routines are high intensity and filled with level-appropriate skills including Jumps, Tumbles, Stunts and Dance.


Our teams work extremely hard to perfect their routines throughout the season. This is with the goal of performing at each competition to try and earn the highest score.


Due to routines having so many different components to learn and perfect our competitive athlete attends 2 mandatory training sessions each week.


Your monthly fee covers: 1 Team Class and 1 Tumble Class each week. 

24-25 Competitive Teams Coming Soon!

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